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There Is Always Time - The full story of Claire Streater

Liam Gardner / Claire Streater

Claire shares her story of becoming a celebrant, she explains what is involved and how, even though she found her calling late on in her career, she was able to make a successful transition from a job she wasn't meant to do.

Key Takeaways

Take opportunities that arise - You never know where they may lead and what you may learn, so instead of looking for the perfect scenario take opportunities that present themselves.

Create a wall of why - A great idea to keep you motivated in those times where you find yourself questioning what you are trying to achieve.

Develop a thick skin - You are bound to come across some negative feedback or setbacks on your journey, try and think of these as lessons that you can learn from. 

Be a good communicator - In any walk of life, communication is such a key tool. Even if you think you are amazing, ask someone you know for honest advice on areas you can improve on.

Recommendations and resources

Institute of civil funerals -

Death Cafe -

Dying matters podcast

Where to find Claire

Linkedin -

Facebook -

Funeral Celebrants UK profile -

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